The purpose of this website is to archive the works of the late Ali Khalid Abdullah, a New Afrikan, Muslim Anarchist revolutionary who dedicated years of his life to producing educational materials for other people on the inside though his own personal writings and his collaborative magazine ‘In The Trenches’ and the PPWC (Political Prisoners of War Coalition) network which influenced people in several countries. 

His writing and work came at a time when many organisations were transitioning from printed media to online sources and as such many of the websites hosting his writing have shut down, so we’re aware that us digitising it here is only a temporary measure, the goal once we’ve got a large amount of his material uploaded here [and other archives such as Libcom, Libgen & is to turn it into a book sold to support prisoner solidarity collectives such as In The Belly (Turtle Island) and the IWOC (UK)

 [note: these organisations, at the time of writing, do not endorse us].

If you have a text or zine by Ali you’d like to upload here, reflections of your own on Ali and his work, a prisoner solidarity campaign you’d like us to support or photographs of Ali please contact us via fawnarchy(at)grrlz(dot)net

Ali Khalid Abdullah Black Autonomy Archive Collective
