Fighting For A Better World – Fighting To End All Forms Of Oppression [2001]


May 2001

The Struggle Continues

COMRADES… Not long ago I went to the parole board and was denied for the fifth time my release from prison. The parole board refused to accept all the letters and petitions and post cards from all of you who had sent them in as a show of support and solidarity for me. Rather than accept the things I had to give them, they wanted to punish me more. Punish me because they have no reason to continue holding me in prison. Nor had they any real justifiable
reason for putting me in prison in the first place.

The parole board did not care to look at the many things Ihave done since my incarceration (11 1/2 years) because if they acknowledge what I have done they would have to acknowledge that they have no justification for continuing to hold me hostage in this abnormal and sick environment we call prison and what I call a “death kamp.”

There will be no justice from this parole board in the state of Michigan, nor in any state anywhere in the world where there are politically conscious individuals trying to make a difference that is for the good of all humanity. There can be no justice because the premise of their laws aren’t built on justice, but rather, revenge, retaliation, hatred, and fraudulent objectives. I believe that the purpose of keeping people like me in prison is to stop us from
having any kind of influence or social impact beyond the gates of prison where we would have greater access to the people and expose the Inhumane treatment that goes on in prison; the total disregard for human life and the pathological and physical destruction being in such places like prison causes. Therefore, we must not look to these prison officials to do what is morally right; what is socially and humanly right. We must engage in developing
greater means of resistance and protest.

Now we must Strengthen ourselves and gain the mobility to seize the prisons and dismantle them by whatever means necessary and with whatever tool we
have available to force these horrid doors open. To do that, we must wage a campaign that isn’t isolated or for a single person or even a few people, but for all people. We must develop and obtain a cohesive agenda and push that agenda aggressively, and make it a daily practice of action that will cause the state and its agencies to actually feel our anger in ways never before felt, but we must do this continuously and without cease, and use every strategy
available to do this, or many of us who are in these prisons will die a slow pathetic death. Comrades, the state isn’t going to slacken up in their aggression
so we must not slacken up in our righteous fury and pursuit of justice. Not token appeasement.  Not promises of doing right. Not lip-service, but actual justice.

The state is not going to recognize and respect the protest signs we have. The state is not going to respect your right to protest. We have seen too many times (all over the world) where the protestor against the state is met with state violence and massive arrest, We must come to realize that we have to change our tactics and make them effective. Effective in a way that will reduce their aggression and take the defensive from our offense.

As I write this address the state is planning the next move against us. Therefore, we should be doing the same. We should be plotting and planning and executing our plans and not allowing ourselves to be un-united. We should be fighting for the common cause and not allow our differences to stand in the way of the bigger picture, for each time we do this we weaken our forces and give the state more ammunition to pick us off one by one, or in
groups. We should learn from our past and apply what we have learned and perfect our resolve so we do not repeat the same mistakes over and over and over again.

These are hard and difficult days and many of us are not going to see many more of them, but for the many who will see more days ahead, let us plan and make an effective pian. Let us have strong communication and network with one another all over the world. Let us unite as a single wall of determined freedom fighters and stop the oppression. Stop the state from murdering our people. Stop the poljce from locking us up. Stop the state from destroying our lives. Stop the state from continuously holding our fallen comrades inside these death kamps. Stop the corporations (who dictate to the state) who continue to rape arid pillage the earth for gain and unnecessary profit at the expense of the rest of us. We can do it. We must do it, if we truly want a better world as,
we say we do.

• Like”so” many of you, Itoo want to have freedom. Not just freedom from prison (where Isit today) but freedom to go where I want. Freedom to be who I am. Freedom to live where I wish to live. Freedom to breathe clean air. Freedom to eat good wholesome fpod that isn’t polluted with toxic waste or artificially engineered in some mad scientist laboratory. Freedom to eat the fish of the ocean and not fear eating fish that has been poisoned with mercufy, lead, or other toxic chemicalsV Freedom to not be stopped by racist police and treated like a prisoner with no rights. Freedom to have the means in which to enjoy my life without being racially assaulted or attacked. These are the freedoms we must strive for and must obtain. For what good is being outside the
prison walls and suffering a multitude of restrictions? It is the same as being inside the prison walls. Ihave looked at many things that are going on outside the walls of my prison, and I have looked inside my own inner being and have denounced the things that have been a contradiction to my life
and to the life of us all. I am willing and ready to give up my life… to lay down my physical life in the ultimate protest and objection to this madness many of you are in. I am willing to sacrifice my next breath in absolute NEGATION of this sick and twisted mentality that has swept the world and is causing so many to die a slow and sad death. A death of dishonor. A death without meaning. A death that you cannot even have with dignity because the state and its
many agencies have chosen how you and I must die.

So I am asking… I am presenting my feelings to you on the platter of hope, asking you to think about the tomorrow many of us will not have. To think about the tomorrow the young children will not have if WE do not take into serious account what is facing us, and act in a manner that will lead to seeing changes take place before it is too late.

Stand by those who are in the prisons and are fighting with theonly thing they have left to fight with… their words… and listen to them deeply. Listen to them with your full essence and act in a way that is just, even if that act must be extreme. For we are living’ under extreme times and we are being dominated by an extremist state that has taken control of all our lives. We do not have much time to waste, nor many days to ponder over the question. Time is running out.

In Closing

The state has looked upon the people with absolute indifference and with contempt. They have repeatedly shown us their aggressive nature whenever anyone of us protest or bring to their attention that we do not want nor appreciate our lives being controlled. We have faced many challenges and each time we come from the challenge defeated. We have not won any victories, because a victory would mean the state, its agencies, and the corporations who dictate to the state their agendas would have been begging the people to talk. They would be begging to negotiate and seek a resolution to our prolonged and sustained action. They would be worried about not making any more money.

They would be worried about the flames that are erupting all over the world in all their cities. They would be worried about their inventions of human destruction being set ablaze. They would be worried about us not paying them our hard earned money in the form of taxes. They wouid be worried that we have chosen to determine our own deaths and not allow our deaths to be determined by them. I can only present this to you for so long before the state finally decides to make an end of me, and I do not want the state to make that determination for me. Just as you should make that determination for yourselves. We can do this if we are united and if we are committed to ending the seeds of oppression, and if that entails us to lose our lives in the process,
then at least we have died in the manner we have chosen to die. Fighting to end all forms of oppression.