WE ARE TALKING LOUD, BUT… By Ali Khalid Abdullah https://www.ainfos.ca/00/jun/ainfos00433.html The Anarchist movement is talking loud and spreading lots of information about the oppressive nature of all governments, world capitalism, materialist property owners (for the sake of greed), race and sexism, homophobia, etc., but thus far all we have done is talk. We say that… Continue reading We Are Talking Loud.. [2000]
Category: Articles
Our Heroes? [2001]
https://greenanarchy.anarchyplanet.org/files/2012/05/greenanarchy8.pdf From Green Anarchy, Issue 8, spring 2002. However the peice they published was from 2001. Amerikkka’s alleged “war on terrorism” reminds me of Amerikkka’s “war on drugs.” A lot of suffering was caused to people of color and other ethnic groups but never completed its intended mission, because the mission was never meant to… Continue reading Our Heroes? [2001]
Kapital, class and workers [2006]
Ali Khalid Abdullah #148130 Mound Correctional Facility 17601 Mound Rd. (NRF) Detroit, MI 48212 An Illustration on the PDF of this article dates it to 2006 but we could be wrong. https://azinelibrary.org/approved/kapital-class-and-workers-1.pdf The roots of corporative-fascism were laid with the expansion of monopoly capital into the giant cartels, corporation and interlocking trusts. The owners of… Continue reading Kapital, class and workers [2006]
Where Was the Support for Lorenzo Komboa Ervin and the Chattanooga 3? [Undated]
https://libcom.org/library/support-lorenzo-ervin-chattanooga-three Lorenzo Komboa Ervin is a Black Autonomous Anarchist comrade, and a personal friend of mine, who’s been in many struggles throughout his life and has paved many paths for the oppressed. This man was once involved with the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)during the early sit-in campaigns in the South to stop racial segregation… Continue reading Where Was the Support for Lorenzo Komboa Ervin and the Chattanooga 3? [Undated]
https://libcom.org/library/people-color-ali-khalid-abdullah April 24, 2000 The following article is by New Afrikan anarchist prisoner ALi Khalid Abdullah, a black American activist currently in prison in Michigan, USA. ALi welcomes letters and can be contacted at: Ali Khalid Abdullah #148130 Thumb Correctional Facility 3225 John Conley Drive Lapeer MI 48446 USA WHY AREN’T MORE PEOPLE OF COLOR… Continue reading WHY AREN’T MORE PEOPLE OF COLOR IN THE ANARCHIST MOVEMENT? [2000]
Anarchists and Black Struggle: Anarchists Must Know the True History of the Black Struggle [Undated]
Anarchists and Black Struggle: Anarchists Must Know the True History of the Black Struggle – article by Ali Khalid Abdullah https://libcom.org/library/anarchists-black-struggle-ali-khalid-abdullah In a recent article I wrote entitled “Why Aren’t More People of Color in the Anarchist Movement?” I pointed out the need for anarchists (world-wide) to begin getting involved, working with, and supporting the… Continue reading Anarchists and Black Struggle: Anarchists Must Know the True History of the Black Struggle [Undated]
Revolutionaries Do Not Support State Executions [1998]
Revolutionaries Do Not Support State Executions Ali Khalid Abdullah October 1998 This peice was published in the British Anarchist magazine Black Flag in 1999. https://libcom.org/article/black-flag-217-1999 In speaking with various prisoners abut their political views, beliefs and theories, I have found that there are a lot of very ignorant prisoners when it comes to the issue… Continue reading Revolutionaries Do Not Support State Executions [1998]
Letter of Rage [2007]
Letter of Rage By Ali Khalid Abdullah, Prisonersolidarity.org March 16, 2007 https://prisonersolidarity.org/alikhalidabdullah5-htm/ This is a letter of rage. It is well past the time that we opened our eyes, that we stopped being bullshitted, brainwashed, and placed in a socio-political cage, and learned to take back our power. I refer to the power we relinquished… Continue reading Letter of Rage [2007]
Why Are Muslims Being Discriminated Against? [2007]
Why Are Muslims Being Discriminated Against? Ali Khalid Abdullah, Prisonersolidarity.org May 5, 2007 https://prisonersolidarity.org/alikhalidabdullah6-htm/ It has been brought to my attention that Muslim prisoners at Smith State Prison (SSP), in Georgia, are having problems with prison officials for making prayer in congregation. According to one prisoner at SSP, Abdus-Salam Karim, the Warden at SSP, Don… Continue reading Why Are Muslims Being Discriminated Against? [2007]
WE NEED a REVOLUTION in ORDER to HAVE a REVOLUTION By Ali Khalid Abdullah, Prisonersolidarity.org Jan. 8, 2007 https://prisonersolidarity.org/alikhalidabdullah3-htm/ In order to have a revolution in Amerikkka, we first must have a revolution of our thinking. We must have a revolutionary purging of all the things that have held us captive and enslaved us from… Continue reading WE NEED a REVOLUTION in ORDER to HAVE a REVOLUTION [2007]